IBM iSeries/AS400 support services are designed to cover a spectrum of needs, including hardware and software support, system monitoring, troubleshooting, maintenance, upgrades, and security. These services address different facets of AS400 technology, including software development, modernization and migration, maintenance and support, and consulting.

Our goal is to solve your AS400/IBMi concerns

Our IBM AS400 support services help identify and solve roadblocks preventing you from effectively using your iSeries system

iSeries/AS400 Experts

With understanding of modern platforms

On-site + Remote Support

Local presence during project ideation

Fixed Price Packages

Transparent support plans for all your needs

Oversight & Governance

Processes & tools for quality measurement

Replacing people doesn’t solve the problem, it prolongs it. Putting a process in place is what helps get rid of single point of failures

Our AS400 Support Plans

Based on your assessment of the need, below is a spectrum of options for you to choose from.


Monthly Price

  • Resource Type
  • You Get

Let’s talk

  • A TEAM
  • An invested

$4800 /Month

  • Dedicated
  • 160

$3200 /Month

  • Shared
  • 80

$2000 /Month

  • Shared
  • 40

$1200 /Month

  • Shared
  • 20

$725 /Month

  • Shared
  • 10

$500 /Month

  • Shared
  • 5

Choose the package that makes sense to your business

Where can we assist?

Dealing with complex systems like AS400/iSeries requires tailored solutions, and that's where our AS400 support services come in. With our expertise and customizable processes, we address your specific needs effectively.

L2 & L3 iSeries Support
IBMi Web-app Support
Custom RPG Support
EDI Support
IBMi Cloud Services
iSeries Data Management
Performance Tuning
iSeries Version Upgrade
DB2 Administration
MQSeries Support

Potential business benefits

Reduced TCO

With our engagement models


Enhanced with performance tuning


Improved by upgrades & fixes

Rare downtime

With predictive maintenance

Time to market

Quicker with smooth operations


Access to a large talent pool

Let’s Get Started

To choose the right AS400/iSeries support for your business, we would like to understand your needs better. The form below is a great way to start that!

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