When it comes to AS400, also known as IBM i, RPG (Report Program Generator) remains a critical programming language that supports a multitude of business applications. However, as the AS400 ecosystem evolves and the RPG workforce ages, IT leaders face significant challenges in maintaining and supporting RPG applications. This guide gives you an insight into the specific problem of RPG support in AS400, providing detailed solutions to ensure your enterprise remains efficient and competitive.

Understanding the Challenge

The Aging Workforce Dilemma

The RPG language has been a staple in AS400 environments for decades. Many of the original developers who mastered RPG are now approaching retirement, leading to a shrinking pool of experienced RPG programmers. This aging workforce poses several risks:

Knowledge Drain: When experienced RPG developers retire, they take invaluable institutional knowledge with them. For example, understanding the intricacies of custom-built applications and the rationale behind specific code decisions becomes challenging without their insights.

Maintenance Issues: Without skilled RPG programmers, maintaining and updating existing applications becomes increasingly challenging. Consider a scenario where a critical business function, like order processing, encounters a bug. The lack of experienced developers can delay fixes, directly impacting business operations.

Recruitment Difficulties: Few new developers are learning RPG, making it difficult to recruit fresh talent. IT leaders often struggle to find qualified candidates who can seamlessly step into the roles vacated by retiring developers.

Rising Costs: As the pool of RPG developers shrinks, the cost of hiring and retaining these specialists increases, putting additional financial pressure on IT budgets.

Increased Risk of System Failure: With fewer experienced developers available to maintain and troubleshoot RPG applications, the risk of system failures or prolonged downtimes increases.

Diminished Innovation: An aging workforce might be less inclined to adopt new methodologies or technologies, potentially stifling innovation and modernization efforts.

Limited Training and Educational Resources

RPG is not as widely taught in modern educational institutions as more contemporary programming languages. This limitation results in:

Skill Gaps: Current IT staff may lack the necessary skills to support RPG applications effectively. For instance, a developer proficient in Java or Python may find it challenging to adapt to the syntax and paradigms of RPG without formal training.

Upgrading Challenges: Without proper training resources, it’s difficult for existing developers to upskill and keep pace with evolving RPG standards. For example, understanding the nuances of RPG IV or Free Format RPG requires specialized knowledge that might not be readily available.

Lack of Formal Courses: Few universities and coding bootcamps offer courses on RPG, limiting opportunities for new developers to learn the language.

Reliance on In-House Training: Companies often have to rely on in-house training programs, which can be resource-intensive and inconsistent in quality.

Limited Online Resources: Unlike more popular programming languages, RPG lacks a wealth of online tutorials, forums, and communities, making self-learning challenging.

Difficulty in Accessing Legacy Knowledge: Much of the existing knowledge on RPG is held by seasoned professionals who may not have documented their expertise thoroughly, leading to knowledge gaps when they retire.

Legacy System Complexities

AS400 systems often run critical business applications that have been in place for years, if not decades. These legacy systems present unique challenges:

Integration Issues: Integrating RPG applications with modern systems can be complex and error-prone. For instance, linking an RPG-based inventory management system with a modern cloud-based ERP requires careful planning and execution.

Code Complexity: Legacy RPG code can be intricate and difficult to understand, especially for new developers. This complexity often arises from decades of iterative changes and patches, making the codebase convoluted.

Lack of Documentation: Older systems may have inadequate documentation, making it hard for new developers to understand the architecture and logic of the applications.

Obsolete Technologies: Legacy systems might rely on outdated technologies and hardware, which can be difficult and expensive to maintain or replace.

Customization Challenges: Many AS400 applications are highly customized, complicating efforts to modernize or integrate them with newer systems.

Performance Bottlenecks: Legacy systems may suffer from performance issues due to outdated code and architecture, impacting overall system efficiency.

Also read: Want to upgrade to IBM i V7? Learn why you should.

Need a reliable partner?

Strategic Solutions for RPG Support

Addressing the challenge requires a multi-faceted approach. Here are strategic solutions to ensure your RPG applications remain robust and well-supported.

Investing in Training and Upskilling

One of the most effective ways to address the challenge is by investing in training and upskilling your current IT staff. Here’s how:

Internal Training Programs

Develop comprehensive internal training programs focused on RPG development. These programs should cover:

Fundamentals of RPG: Ensure all IT staff understand the basics of RPG programming, including syntax, data structures, and control flow.

Advanced RPG Techniques: Offer advanced training for more experienced developers, covering topics such as modular programming, performance optimization, and integration techniques.

Best Practices: Teach best practices for maintaining and updating RPG code, such as code documentation, version control, and automated testing.

Hands-On Projects: Incorporate hands-on projects to reinforce learning and allow developers to apply new skills in practical scenarios.

Mentorship Programs: Pair less experienced developers with seasoned RPG programmers to facilitate knowledge transfer and provide on-the-job training.

Regular Workshops: Hold regular workshops and hackathons to keep skills sharp and encourage continuous learning.

Partnering with Educational Institutions

Forge partnerships with educational institutions to:

Develop RPG Curricula: Encourage the inclusion of RPG in computer science curricula, ensuring a steady stream of new talent.

Offer Internships: Provide internship opportunities to students learning RPG, creating a pipeline of new talent and offering them practical experience in a real-world setting.

Collaborate on Research: Work with academic institutions on research projects that explore new uses and optimizations for RPG and AS400 systems.

Guest Lectures: Have experienced RPG developers give guest lectures and workshops at universities to share real-world insights and spark interest in the language.

Scholarships and Grants: Offer scholarships and grants to students pursuing studies in RPG and legacy system maintenance to incentivize learning.

Job Placement Programs: Develop job placement programs in partnership with educational institutions to help graduates find roles in companies needing RPG expertise.

Online Courses and Certifications

Leverage online platforms to:

Offer Flexibility: Provide flexible learning options for your staff, allowing them to learn at their own pace and on their own schedule.

Certify Skills: Encourage developers to obtain RPG certifications, validating their expertise and providing them with a sense of accomplishment.

Access to Experts: Use online courses that feature instruction from leading RPG experts, providing access to top-tier knowledge and practices.

Regular Updates: Ensure that online courses are regularly updated to reflect the latest developments and best practices in RPG programming.

Interactive Learning: Utilize platforms that offer interactive learning experiences, such as coding challenges and real-time feedback, to enhance engagement.

Supportive Communities: Encourage participation in online communities associated with these courses, fostering peer-to-peer learning and support.

Leveraging Modernization Tools

Modernization tools can help bridge the gap between legacy RPG applications and modern technologies. Consider the following:

Code Conversion Tools

Utilize code conversion tools to:

Modernize Legacy Code: Automatically convert legacy RPG code to modern languages, such as RPG IV or Free Format RPG. This modernization can simplify maintenance and make the codebase more accessible to new developers.

Enhance Readability: Improve code readability, making it easier for new developers to understand and maintain. Modernization tools often refactor code to adhere to current best practices, enhancing overall code quality.

Reduce Manual Errors: Automated conversion minimizes the risk of human error during code updates and migrations.

Accelerate Development: Speed up the modernization process, allowing for quicker implementation of new features and improvements.

Improve Performance: Optimize legacy code for better performance and efficiency, ensuring applications run smoothly on modern hardware.

Facilitate Integration: Prepare legacy applications for easier integration with contemporary systems and platforms.

Integration Middleware

Middleware solutions can facilitate integration between RPG applications and modern systems:

APIs and Web Services: Use APIs and web services to enable communication between RPG applications and contemporary platforms. For example, integrating an RPG-based order processing system with a modern e-commerce platform can streamline order management and fulfillment.

Data Integration: Ensure seamless data integration across different systems, improving overall efficiency. Middleware can facilitate real-time data synchronization, enhancing decision-making and operational responsiveness.

Legacy System Bridging: Middleware can act as a bridge between legacy systems and new technologies, enabling gradual modernization without disrupting business operations.

Security Enhancements: Use middleware to add additional layers of security, protecting data as it moves between systems.

Scalability: Middleware solutions can help scale RPG applications to handle increased loads and new business requirements.

Flexibility: Middleware provides a flexible architecture that can adapt to changing business needs and technological advancements.

Implementing Knowledge Management Practices

To mitigate the impact of retiring RPG developers, implement robust knowledge management practices:


Ensure comprehensive documentation of all RPG applications:

Code Documentation: Maintain detailed documentation of all code, including comments and explanations. This documentation should cover code logic, data structures, and key algorithms, making it easier for new developers to understand and maintain the codebase.

System Documentation: Document system architecture, data flows, and integration points. Comprehensive system documentation provides a high-level overview of how different components interact, aiding in troubleshooting and system enhancements.

User Manuals: Create user manuals and guides for end-users to facilitate the proper use of RPG applications and reduce reliance on developer intervention.

Change Logs: Keep detailed change logs to track modifications and updates to the codebase, providing a historical record that can aid in troubleshooting and auditing.

Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs): Develop SOPs for common tasks and processes to ensure consistency and efficiency in RPG application maintenance.

Version Control: Use version control systems to manage documentation updates and ensure the latest information is always accessible.

Knowledge Transfer

Facilitate knowledge transfer from experienced developers to newer staff:

Mentorship Programs: Pair retiring developers with younger staff to transfer knowledge. Mentorship programs can provide hands-on learning opportunities and foster a culture of continuous learning.

Knowledge Sharing Sessions: Hold regular sessions where experienced developers share insights and best practices. These sessions can cover a range of topics, from troubleshooting common issues to optimizing system performance.

Shadowing Opportunities: Allow newer staff to shadow experienced developers on projects to gain practical experience and observe best practices in action.

Documentation Reviews: Encourage collaborative reviews of documentation, where experienced developers can add context and insights to existing materials.

Cross-Training: Promote cross-training within the IT team to ensure multiple staff members are familiar with RPG systems and can step in when needed.

Succession Planning: Develop succession plans to ensure a smooth transition of responsibilities as experienced developers retire.

Outsourcing RPG Support

When internal resources are limited, outsourcing can be a viable option:

Finding the Right Partner

Choose a reliable outsourcing partner with proven RPG expertise:

Experience and Track Record: Ensure the partner has a strong track record in RPG support services, with a portfolio of successful projects.

Technical Proficiency: Verify their technical skills and ability to handle complex RPG applications. Look for partners with certifications and expertise in both legacy and modern RPG variants.

Cultural Fit: Ensure the outsourcing partner understands your business culture and can integrate seamlessly with your internal team.

References and Testimonials: Check references and testimonials from other clients to gauge the partner’s reliability and performance.

Flexible Engagement Models: Look for partners that offer flexible engagement models, such as project-based, retainer-based, or hybrid approaches.

Scalability: Ensure the partner can scale their services to meet your evolving needs.

Benefits of Outsourcing

Outsourcing can offer several benefits:

Cost Efficiency: Reduce costs associated with recruiting and training new RPG developers. Outsourcing partners can provide specialized skills on demand, reducing the need for full-time hires.

Access to Expertise: Gain access to a pool of experienced RPG programmers. Outsourcing partners often have a team of experts who can handle various aspects of RPG support, from maintenance to modernization.

Scalability: Scale support services up or down based on your business needs. Outsourcing provides flexibility, allowing you to adjust resource allocation as project demands change.

Focus on Core Business: Allow your internal team to focus on core business activities while outsourcing partners handle support tasks.

Faster Problem Resolution: Benefit from the partner’s expertise and established processes, leading to faster resolution of issues and minimized downtime.

Continuous Support: Ensure continuous support and monitoring of RPG applications, even outside regular business hours, by leveraging the partner’s global presence.

Implementing Best Practices for Ongoing RPG Support

To ensure sustainable RPG support, implement best practices that enhance efficiency and reliability:

Regular Code Reviews

Conduct regular code reviews to:

Identify Issues Early: Catch potential issues before they become critical problems. Regular reviews can uncover bugs, security vulnerabilities, and performance bottlenecks.

Maintain Quality: Ensure that code quality remains high, reducing the risk of bugs and errors. Code reviews promote adherence to coding standards and best practices, fostering a culture of quality.

Knowledge Sharing: Facilitate knowledge sharing among team members, enhancing collective expertise and improving overall codebase understanding.

Mentorship Opportunities: Provide opportunities for junior developers to learn from senior team members through code review feedback.

Standardization: Ensure that coding standards and conventions are consistently followed across the team.

Continuous Improvement: Use insights from code reviews to continuously improve development processes and practices.

Automated Testing

Implement automated testing frameworks to:

Increase Efficiency: Speed up the testing process, allowing for more frequent updates and improvements. Automated tests can quickly validate changes, reducing the risk of regressions.

Improve Accuracy: Reduce human error in testing, ensuring more reliable results. Automated testing can cover a wide range of scenarios, providing comprehensive coverage that manual testing might miss.

Continuous Testing: Enable continuous testing throughout the development lifecycle, catching issues early and improving overall quality.

Regression Testing: Easily perform regression testing to ensure new changes do not negatively impact existing functionality.

Scalability: Scale testing efforts to match the complexity and size of your RPG applications.

Integration with CI/CD: Integrate automated tests into your CI/CD pipeline for seamless and efficient deployment processes.

Continuous Integration and Deployment (CI/CD)

Adopt CI/CD practices to:

Streamline Development: Automate the build, test, and deployment process, improving efficiency. CI/CD pipelines can rapidly integrate changes, ensuring that code is always in a deployable state.

Enhance Collaboration: Facilitate better collaboration between developers and operations teams. CI/CD practices foster a culture of shared responsibility, enhancing communication and reducing friction between teams.

Faster Releases: Enable faster and more reliable software releases, reducing time-to-market for new features and updates.

Early Bug Detection: Catch and fix bugs early in the development process, minimizing the impact on end-users.

Consistency: Ensure consistent build and deployment processes, reducing the risk of errors and inconsistencies.

Feedback Loops: Establish rapid feedback loops, allowing for continuous improvement and optimization of the development process.

Monitoring and Performance Tuning

Regularly monitor the performance of your RPG applications to:

Identify Bottlenecks: Detect and resolve performance issues before they impact users. Monitoring tools can provide real-time insights into system performance, helping to identify and address issues proactively.

Optimize Resources: Ensure that your systems are running efficiently, reducing costs and improving user satisfaction. Performance tuning can enhance system responsiveness and reliability, improving the overall user experience.

Capacity Planning: Use monitoring data to inform capacity planning and ensure your infrastructure can handle future growth.

Proactive Maintenance: Perform proactive maintenance based on monitoring insights to prevent potential issues from escalating.

Detailed Reporting: Generate detailed performance reports to track trends and make data-driven decisions.

Alerting and Notifications: Set up alerts and notifications for critical performance issues, enabling swift responses to potential problems.

Also read: 100 processes where RPG automation can come into us for your IBM i ERP

Future-Proofing Your RPG Applications

Ensuring the long-term viability of your RPG applications requires forward-thinking strategies and continuous improvement.

Embracing New Technologies

Integrate new technologies to keep your RPG applications relevant:

Cloud Integration: Move RPG applications to the cloud for enhanced scalability, flexibility, and disaster recovery capabilities.

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: Leverage AI and ML to enhance the capabilities of RPG applications, such as predictive analytics and automated decision-making.

Internet of Things (IoT): Integrate IoT devices with RPG applications to enable real-time data collection and analysis.

Blockchain: Explore the use of blockchain for secure and transparent data transactions within RPG applications.

Microservices Architecture: Break down monolithic RPG applications into microservices for better scalability and maintainability.

Containerization: Use containerization technologies like Docker to package and deploy RPG applications consistently across different environments.

Proactive Maintenance

Adopt a proactive approach to system maintenance:

Regular Updates: Keep your RPG applications and underlying systems up to date with the latest patches and updates.

Preventive Maintenance: Schedule regular maintenance windows to address potential issues before they escalate.

Health Checks: Conduct periodic health checks on your RPG applications to identify and fix issues proactively.

Backup and Recovery Plans: Implement robust backup and recovery plans to ensure data integrity and minimize downtime in case of failures.

Performance Audits: Perform regular performance audits to identify and address inefficiencies in your RPG applications.

Security Assessments: Conduct security assessments to protect your RPG applications from emerging threats and vulnerabilities.

Community Engagement

Engage with the RPG developer community to stay informed and share knowledge:

Online Forums and User Groups: Participate in online forums and user groups to exchange ideas and learn from peers.

Industry Conferences and Workshops: Attend industry conferences and workshops to stay updated on the latest trends and best practices.

Open Source Contributions: Contribute to open source RPG projects to collaborate with the broader developer community and gain new insights.

Networking Events: Join networking events and meetups to connect with other RPG professionals and share experiences.

Community Blogs and Newsletters: Follow community blogs and newsletters to stay informed about the latest developments in RPG and AS400.

Social Media Engagement: Engage with the RPG community on social media platforms to share knowledge and stay connected with industry peers.


Overcoming RPG support challenges in AS400 requires a strategic and multi-faceted approach. By investing in training and upskilling, leveraging modernization tools, implementing knowledge management practices, and considering outsourcing, IT leaders can ensure robust and reliable RPG application support.

Implementing best practices such as regular code reviews, automated testing, CI/CD, and performance monitoring further enhances the efficiency and reliability of RPG applications. Embracing new technologies, adopting proactive maintenance strategies, and engaging with the RPG developer community are crucial for future-proofing your RPG applications. Our team at Nalashaa comprises of AS400 experts that can help. Fill out the form and let us get in touch to understand your exact requirements.